
When we don't know how to pray

When we don't know how to pray

Diagnosed with throat cancer in 1964, I faced a crisis in my life. I found myself constantly praying the same thing: "O God, I know You can heal, because of all the evidence of Your Word, as well as the other miracles which I have seen with my own eyes. But ... the problem is ... You can ... if You want to ... Is it Your will to heal me? All I am asking for is a positive yes or no." I picked up my Bible and read from Romans 8 verse 26, "We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit himself maketh intercession for us ... according to the will of God." That was it! It came with certainty to me that God had said yes. I would be healed by a miracle.

The Gift of Sight

The Gift of Sight

‘Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your law (Psalm 119.18, NIV). One of the greatest gifts God has given us is the gift of sight. When Jesus saw the man born blind in John 9, He was moved with compassion. This man had never seen the blue sky or the beauty of flowers. His life was spent in darkness. But that day Jesus restored his sight.

Jesus is in the boat so why be afraid?

Jesus is in the boat so why be afraid?

Seeing Jesus asleep in the storm, the disciples thought He didn't care that they were perishing. But it was quite the opposite. Jesus wanted them to have faith in Him, to put their trust in His peace. All the time that Jesus was asleep, they were safe, because Jesus knew He would get to the other side of the lake. In your storm look to Jesus; put your faith in His peace; for if Jesus can be at rest in the midst of chaos, you can too.

The Power and Authority of Jesus

The Power and Authority of Jesus

When the disciples came face-to-face with the real power and authority of Jesus, in amazement they said, ‘What Kind of Man is He?’ When they saw what He could do, they were shocked, they marvelled. There is no one like our God; His power is without limit! ‘O Lord God, You have begun to show Your servant Your greatness and Your mighty hand, for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do anything like Your works and Your mighty deeds?’ (Deuteronomy 3:24)

Jesus never fails

Jesus never fails

God never fails; He cannot fail. Everything He does is a miracle. The day God fails, He is no longer God. It’s His character. He is the God of miracles! We all have many kinds of problems, many different needs, but I believe in miracles. Every act of God is a miracle, because a miracle is something man cannot do. Why did God send Jesus to earth? To prove He has power on earth to forgive sin and heal the sick.