Money cannot buy peace with God or the forgiveness of sin. It is the gift of God received through faith. This is why Peter said to the lame man in Acts 3, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I give you: In the Name of Jesus Christ, rise and walk.”
Jesus never fails
God never fails; He cannot fail. Everything He does is a miracle. The day God fails, He is no longer God. It’s His character. He is the God of miracles! We all have many kinds of problems, many different needs, but I believe in miracles. Every act of God is a miracle, because a miracle is something man cannot do. Why did God send Jesus to earth? To prove He has power on earth to forgive sin and heal the sick.
The Glory of Jesus
‘And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.’ What a miracle, under the rules of the Temple, Jews had to continually make sacrifices to atone for their sins, but the Bible says Jesus died once to forgive the sin of the world to set us free! God sent His Son Jesus to redeem you and I; and God glorified Jesus by doing this.