
The more difficult the situation the greater the Power of God

We are living through a very critical time but let me encourage you: the more difficult the situation, the greater the Power of God. When you are in tribulation, when all the problems of life have come upon you; you will find God if you search for Him from just where you are! I want you to reach out to Jesus today; seek Him from where you are; and when you do, you will find He is not far from you.

Lord, Teach me how to pray

Lord, Teach me how to pray

I want to teach you the greatest lesson in answered prayer. Our God is a prayer-answering God. Don't take no for an answer, keep on asking, God will give you what you need. That applies to sickness, to every problem in your life. Jesus said, "I say to you, ask, and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened." Don't take no for an answer. Persist. Keep on calling on God. He will answer!

If you are sick, or crippled, in despair, alone, whoever you are, wherever you are - God will hear you, God will answer our prayer. "I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live." (Psalm 116) Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 15)

The Lord our Deliverer

The Lord our Deliverer

As we celebrate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day, I want to share my personal testimony of God’s faithfulness and deliverance at that time. I was a child through the War, 13 when my father took us to London to celebrate VE Day. God does preserve, and He will protect! God has sustained me through so many trials – and God will preserve us through this Coronavirus. He is the Lord our Deliverer. Yes, we will walk through many dark valleys, but He is the Good Shepherd, a present help in times of need.