Through Christ we have received an inheritance; we have obtained this because Jesus died and rose again. What does this mean? It means you can receive the forgiveness of sin; that the curse and the power of the devil is broken; your healing, is part of this inheritance; all the promises in the Bible are part of the inheritance you have received from Jesus. You have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, all because of this inheritance.
Firstfruit of new life
I know who Jesus is
Your faith moves mountains
When you are in distress; when nobody will help you; when you have nowhere to go; if you will call upon the Name of the Lord, He will help you. All it takes is faith as small as a mustard seed to move mountains. You don’t need to go to a pastor, prophet or teacher - some person of great renown and faith - you have enough faith to be saved, healed and delivered.
God can change your life today
I want to show you how God can literally change your life today. As you read His Word and listen to His voice, you are being transformed into His image. The Bible teaches that we are being changed from glory to glory… for those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son (2 Corinthians 3:18; Romans 8:29).
Get up and live
A miraculous God
"Jesus, help me" (It's never too late with God)
“Jesus, help me!” - God hears the cries of the desperate and anguished. So many people are in the same position as Jairus: “Jesus, it is too late; my daughter has died.” But it is never too late with Jesus. No situation is too far gone; no person too lost, that the power of God cannot reach and save.