I want to see the Church break out of its traditions and constraints! Out of this pandemic I desire to see an outpouring of the Holy Spirit; to see miracles; for Holy Ghost Fire! God can do it! There is only one way to revival today: it is to stand firm on Biblical faith and through suffering and prayer, with repentance, God will honour us. That is why Jesus said, if you will come after Me, take up your cross and follow Me.
Seeing beyond the impossible!
We need to have a clear vision of God's plan and purposes. Something tangible. The Bible instructs us to write it down and make it plain to read. All my life I've been working towards a goal; something I see in my spirit. As I look back over my life and ministry, I see what God has done, and because of this, I have an absolute confidence that God is going to continue to lead and direct my steps.
Fishers of men
Seek God’s direction and purpose for your life. In Luke 5, some of Jesus’ disciples had spent the night fishing on the Lake of Gennesaret but caught nothing. Jesus saw them from the shore and called out to them, ‘Let down your nets on the other side’. They did, and the nets broke! The moment you respond to the instruction of Jesus, you’ll pull in a tremendous harvest. All my life I’ve wanted to hear that voice behind me saying, “Do this, go there.” (Isaiah 30:21.) And after 70 years of ministry, I KNOW with certainty that His voice continues to give me direction and fruitfulness.
We need the spirit Elijah had
We need to be more like Elijah. We have a prayer-answering God, but do we really believe Him? Do you want to see revival? All God needs is one man or woman who can pray like Elijah, who can believe like Jesus said. Do you know what the spirit of Elijah is? To me it is the power that a man can have with God. If you knew the power that you can have, you can call down fire from Heaven, see a nation repent in a day, command the rain to come and it will – that’s the power that God has given you. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 10)
God wants to fill you with Fire
God wants to fill you with His Fire, to send you out as witnesses to His greatness. God will take what is in your hand and use it as the demonstration of His Power. Don’t be afraid of the wonders He does; don’t run away or shrink back in fear. Grab hold of God and see what He will do through you! Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 4)
Healing touch of Jesus
One touch from Jesus and all that hinders you will be removed. When Jesus healed the leper in Matthew 8, in that one touch he was cleansed, healed and restored; that one touch removed the stigma and shame of his condition. That one touch brought emotional and physical healing. When Jesus healed the blind man in John 9 with one touch, his testimony of “once I was blind but now I can see”, not only changed his life, but all those around him.
The Living God
The Unknown God
Everything we have: our joy, peace, and health; every blessing is ours through Christ. Without Him we have nothing. But through Jesus, every good and perfect gift becomes ours. For many, Jesus is unknown. We have been given the ministry of reconciliation; the Good News of the Kingdom; to share with an unbelieving world.