
Consecration through Fire

I want to challenge you to live in the Fire of God, to re-consecrate your life to Jesus. When did you last hear God speak and you replied, “here I am Lord”? When Moses said, “Here I am”, God began to deal with him. The spark from the Fire got into the soul of Moses, restored and commissioned him to deliver Israel. I want that Fire in my life. I want something new from God. I want to get into the Fire where it’s hot; I want to fell the heat, the power and the glory of God.

What is God's strategy?

What is God's strategy?

God always has a clear plan and strategy in everything He does. From creation to salvation, nothing has happened in heaven or earth without the foreknowledge of God. An important part of the strategy which God has for today is that He wants to show that His power is not just in heaven, but also demonstrated very powerfully on earth. I have a vision of a God who is so much bigger than you or I can ever imagine! The God of the Bible, has so much more power, is so much bigger, more glorious, more exciting than anything you could dream about! So, start dreaming, but then for God’s sake stop dreaming and start to do something! Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 12)

God wants to fill you with Fire

God wants to fill you with Fire

God wants to fill you with His Fire, to send you out as witnesses to His greatness. God will take what is in your hand and use it as the demonstration of His Power. Don’t be afraid of the wonders He does; don’t run away or shrink back in fear. Grab hold of God and see what He will do through you! Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 4)

The secret of power now

The secret of power now

The Scripture teaches, ‘Christ in you, the hope of Glory.’ - That is the secret to 70 years of ministry. I have Christ in me, and I have the Holy Spirit in me. He, the same Spirit who raised up Jesus from the dead, who was in the Apostles Paul and Peter, that mighty, miracle-working power of the great God I am boasting about, is in me now, and He has been in me for over 70 years! I cannot receive any greater power than that I already have, in me now! Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 3)

For the Glory of God

For the Glory of God

I only live for one thing; I only live to see the Glory of God. I’m not going to die, nor will I grow old and weak, because I live in the Glory of God. I live in the Power of God. I learnt many years ago not to live in my own strength, but to live in the strength and Power of God. My hearts cry is the same as Moses, ‘Lord, show me Your Glory’ (Exodus 33:18). I desire to see His Power and Glory (Psalm 63).

Jesus has power on earth

Jesus has power on earth

Jesus has power, not just in heaven but on earth. Why do I pray ever day? Why do I pray so much? Because God is listening. He hears. He answers. Do you realise how much God loves you? Jesus said to the paralytic, “So that you may know I am the Son of God - that I am not lying or deceiving you; so that you may know the reality and truth - get up and walk!” God has given us this same power through the Holy Spirit.