Our life is in Christ, He is our source and provider: we live by the Words which proceed out of the mouth of God. In John 6:35, Jesus says, “I am the Bread of Life, whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst.” To have Christ is have all that we need for life.
We need the spirit Elijah had
We need to be more like Elijah. We have a prayer-answering God, but do we really believe Him? Do you want to see revival? All God needs is one man or woman who can pray like Elijah, who can believe like Jesus said. Do you know what the spirit of Elijah is? To me it is the power that a man can have with God. If you knew the power that you can have, you can call down fire from Heaven, see a nation repent in a day, command the rain to come and it will – that’s the power that God has given you. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 10)
My mountain was lung cancer
I believe in prayer and in a God of miracles. But in 2002 I was faced with a challenge: do I really believe God or not? Diagnosed with lung cancer, my only hope was Jesus. I didn’t go to a healing evangelist, I went to the Word of God and He completely healed me - no operation, no treatment - I only had God and the Bible, and that’s all I needed to confound the doctors. They were shocked, they didn’t believe God. But I do, I believe in a God of power and of miracles. Healing, deliverance, forgiveness are yours to receive in the Name of Jesus… stop struggling and come into His arms! Talk to Jesus. He’s listening. Ask Him to forgive your sin and to heal you. He loves you; He’ll answer! Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 8)
Can everyone be healed?
God desires for you to live in health: to live a full satisfying life. Sickness is from the devil. Jesus said, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). I want you to receive those words deep in your spirit: to be settled on the truth of God’s Word. And until the day when your healing has fully manifested, know that His grace is sufficient, that He is all you need: His strength is made perfect in weakness. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 7)
Power through difficulties
It is only through testings and trials that we learn who God is and what He can do; if we never had a problem, we would never know what faith in God could do. We all pray more when we are in distress; yet it is through difficulties we learn to trust God, to believe for miracles. God will use every difficulty to refine us, so that we become the person He can use for His glory. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 6)
Possess all the blessings of God
Possess the promises of God! So many believers are living in spiritual lack because they don’t understand the promises of God, and the power available to those who believe. Don’t just take the ‘spiritual’ blessings - take the land: possess what you need in the material realm as well. When Israel went in to the Promised Land, it meant war: but if they won, as God said they would, they could have an abundance, ‘a land flowing with milk and honey’, all their material needs supplied. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 5)
The Command and the Fire of God
Dream the dreams of the impossible, get a vision of the God of the impossible, who can do what no man can do - the God who is in control - and the God who will fulfil every promise! I want you to dream until it becomes a vision and a reality. Lessons from 70 years of ministry: 'For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance.' (Part 2)
You are predestined
Everything I know about the Bible, and everything I know about God, can be summarised in this: with God, nothing happens by accident. God knows in advance; our steps are ordered; we are predestined. With God nothing happens by chance. Everything God does is for a purpose, by design, and with foreknowledge.
The Power of Faith and Authority
Do you want to know the secret of an overcoming victorious life in Jesus? In Matthew 8 when Jesus healed the centurion’s servant, he spoke with Jesus about the power of faith and authority. When you speak with faith and command in authority, mountains move! Your sickness will leave by the power of Jesus Name!
Jesus dwells with us
Jesus is Son of God yet Son of Man. He came down to earth to live amongst us. Jesus understands our frailties, that is why He stands before the Father interceding for us: just imagine, He is praying for you right now. Jesus doesn’t change: the Jesus we believe in, is the Jesus of the Bible. Just as He sought people out to fellowship with them in the Gospel, so if He were to walk into your town today, He would seek you out.